Life in Wennington
There are a number of people who lived in or around Wennington for quite some time. In that time they have seen many changes. In addition, there have been a number of groups, from within the village, that have interesting stories to tell.
Bringing Broadband to Wennington
It's almost a decade since Wennington got involved with Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN). This involved digging through fields, gardens, under road and over rivers to get fibre to the premises (FTTP) to every house in village and surrounding areas. This was fantastic community effort with a large number of people volunteering their time, skill, equipment and even baking to the effort. The sense of community that the project helped build cannot be exaggerated. B4RN, as a community driven organisation, has gone from strength to strength with countless communities now connected to the fastest broadband in the country. To read a bit more about the Wennington experience click here.
Jim Murphy (aka B4RN Gangmaster)
Jim has lived in Wennington for over 35 years. He has seen many people come and go as well as countless changes within the village. One of the most notable changes, in the past 10 years, has been the introduction of Ultrafast Broadband (i.e. a 1Gbps symmetrical fibre to the premises (FTTP) service) provided by Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN).
In this short article Jim explains how and why this project was so successful in Wennington. B4RN not only provided the village with world-class broadband, it created a 'community' of people that continues to this day. To read Jim's article click here.